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Questionnaire - Possible Second Runway

A questionnaire has been sent out to all residents in Horley to seek your views about the possible Second Runway at Gatwick Airport.  Residents of Horley are encouraged to return the questionnaire to the council offices or to one of our collection points (including: 7 day Grocer Meath Green Lane, Bargain Booze Balcombe Rd., Café le Manger High Street, Court Lodge Community Store, Premier Riverside, Waitrose Victoria Road, Watties Horley Row) before the closing date of 20 October 2014.   It is our intention to publish the results of the questionnaire shortly after the closing date.  
This launch follows the Public Meeting held at Oakwood School on 18 July when guest speakers from Gatwick Airport Ltd, Gatwick Area Conservation Campaign (GACC) and Gatwick Diamond Business each gave presentations on their respective organisations' position on a proposed 2nd runway.
The questionnaire can also be made online either by downloading the word document and returning it to or following the Survey Monkey link.

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