Throughout the municipal year, Horley Town Council receives and responds to several consultations from various public bodies such as Network Rail, the Civil Aviation Authority, and Central and Local Government departments.
You can review HTC's responses to these consultations here:
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Response
Crawley Borough Council - Local Plan Consultation
Department for Transport - Managing Parking on Pavements
Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government - Planning System Reform Consultation 1, 2 & 3
Network Rail - Unblocking the Croydon Bottleneck Phase 2
Reigate & Banstead Borough Council - Community Centres Consultation
Civil Aviation Authority - Public Safety Zones - Noted/No response required
GATCOM - Stage 1 Night Flight Restrictions - Noted/No response required
Reigate & Banstead Borough Council - Local Character & Distinctiveness Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document - Noted/No response required