Surrey Together

Surrey residents have already experienced many months of isolation, worry and disrupted services. Restrictions in coming weeks and months are likely to impact heavily on all our residents, in particular those who live alone and who have been separated from their loved ones for long periods. We are increasingly worried about the wellbeing of residents and the impact of COVID on their mental health – one of the many ‘hidden harms of COVID.

To help support residents through this difficult time, Surrey County Council has produced an all-residents mailout with advice and help available around staying safe and well throughout the winter months. The mailout will contain a reminder of public health advice and links to the latest government guidance as well as practical advice on ‘how to be prepared’, tips on ‘keeping healthy this winter’, and information about how you can ‘keep yourself and others safe’.

It will also provide useful signposting information and a list of useful contact numbers for help and support available to residents who are worried about a loved one or need help themselves this winter. The mailout will begin arriving on resident’s doorsteps from the 1st December.

You can also view a digital copy of the mail out here on our website.

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